How Much Is a Subaru Oil Change?

September 20th, 2024 by

Subaru Oil Change

An oil change is a necessary service that should be scheduled following your vehicle’s user manual. Naturally, this leads to the question: How much is a Subaru oil change at Casey Subaru? Learn the average cost and the variables that determine the fees.

Average Oil Change Cost

The average cost varies due to the number of variables discussed below. As of 2024, the typical oil change at a dealership ranges between $25 and $95. The cost for diesel engines is higher, between $70 and $170.

Oil Type

Synthetic oils are formulated differently, containing additional ingredients for better protection. This higher-quality oil costs more than conventional and synthetic blend motor oils. The oil your vehicle needs will depend on the model, year, and trim and is outlined in the user manual.

Engine Size

Higher-displacement engines require more oil. Therefore, pickup truck or family SUV owners can expect to pay more for an oil change than compact sedan owners. Car type aside, some luxury vehicles may require synthetic oils, which adds to the cost.

Supply and Demand

Motor oil prices fluctuate just as much as gasoline at the fuel station. The cost is simply due to supply and demand, which is determined by availability, where it’s sourced, shipping, etc. When demand exceeds supply, then oil change prices go up.

Additional Fees

You’re not just paying for the oil in an oil change. Some of the surplus fees include labor and disposing of the old oil. Likewise, some factors can reduce costs, such as limited-time and service bundle offers.

Schedule a Subaru Oil Change in Newport News, VA

The oil change cost is one of the least expensive maintenance costs and pays itself off ten times over. It improves fuel efficiency and extends engine longevity, which saves you on expenses over the long run. Schedule your next oil change at Casey Subaru for optimal automobile performance.